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Current Groups

I co-lead a group with Saralyn Masselink, LCSW, CGP virtually on Thursdays from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm.  


For your consideration, this group will be helpful for people who:


  • are struggling with depression or anxiety

  • have relationship challenges

  • are experiencing grief/loss

  • are navigating a big life change

  • want to better understand themselves

  • take care of other people's needs and want to learn to focus more on themselves

  • find interactions with others to be overwhelming or overstimulating

  • have similar experiences or feelings in relationships with different people and wonder why the same thing happens over and over again


Reach out if you are interested in learning more about group. All potential new members will meet with myself and Saralyn before being invited to join the group.

Group Therapy in Los Angeles

In addition to the group I co-lead, my employee Jen Rivers, ASW, is leading a virtual group for queer adults. For more information about the group, contact Jen (she/her/we/us) directly at 323-379-5969 or

Queer Adult Therapy Group

Why Group?

Sharing intimate things about ourselves and being vulnerable in a group can feel scary, yet it's important and necessary. We need safe groups to challenge ourselves and see ourselves the way others see us. No one lives in a bubble and we shouldn't heal ourselves in a bubble. Individual therapy is an important tool but is best when combined with group therapy.


You may be reluctant to enter a therapy group out of fear that you won't be understood by other members or that you won't get what you need in group. These are normal reactions when considering joining a group. Let's talk about them together and understand how best to support you in joining a therapy group. 

What to Expect

There are different kinds of therapy groups. Many of us know about groups from movies, tv shows or maybe even our own previous experiences. Lots of times these groups are support groups - similar to AA, Al Anon or a group around a specific topic like grief. The groups I lead are different.  


Unlike groups that help us cope with a specific situation, groups in my practice (called process groups), focus on relationships with others and learning through experience in the group. The goal will be to better understand feelings, put them into words, and understand how to express ourselves and the impact of those expressions on others. Groups such as these are incredibly powerful and allow us to grow at a much faster pace than individual therapy alone.


Process groups can be hard to conceptualize until you experience one. Fortunately there are videos that model this type of group. Click here for a series of videos that show what a group could look like (keep in mind, these are actors, but the general concepts of the group are like those you would experience.)


Before joining a group, the two of us will meet to answer any questions you have about the group, learn more about what you are looking for, and see if group is the right fit. 



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